NASHVILLE, TN – Bandit Lites rang in 2025 with its Annual General Meeting, a gathering of its team members to recap the previous year, celebrate milestones and forecast the upcoming year. Bandit Lites Chair and founder Michael T. Strickland addressed Bandit’s continuing successes and robust career opportunities, noting how Bandit is the only firm in the industry that is nominated for Lighting Company of The Year at the PLSN Parnelli Awards, The Pollstar Awards and The CMA Touring Awards.
“This feat alone is a testimony to the great people at Bandit,” said Strickland.

Multiple Bandits celebrated milestone anniversaries with the company, including Carter Hopkins and Jesse Poreca for five years, Sarah Eucker, Carter Fulghum, Craig Richter and Ty Veneziano for ten years and Scot Sepe for fifteen years. World renown designer Chaz Martin reached the forty-year mark at Bandit in 2024. Not only is his talent rare, so is his dedication and longevity.

“Bandit stands alone with full time employees and longevity is our key,” stated Strickland. “We have numerous 20, 30 and 40 year Bandits. By providing a career rather than a job, Bandit is able to provide the same people every year for our clients. We owe them all a big thank you for being such amazing team members and for being the real strength of the firm.”
In addition to the Bandit anniversaries, Strickland and Jake Tickle, Bandit’s Vice President of Business and Innovation, distributed several awards to team members who embodied Bandit’s spirit of hard work and strength of character.

Zach McQueen and Russ Achzet were awarded the Best Tech of the Year and Sam Morgan took home Comeback Kid. Linda Sayers was lauded as the Hardest Working Woman in Show Biz while both Derek Ingrao and Kelly Feild were recognized with the Tim Foltz Rookie of the Year Award.

In addition to those, Jeremy Sinicki and Sarah Eucker were honored with The Focus Award while Sophie Phillips, Jemma Hutchens, Ty Veneziano, Mark Scherer and Sharon Draper took home The Rock, Bandit’s most prestigious performance acknowledgement.

“The Bandit Achievement Awards are a 30-year tradition that mark extraordinary performance each year.” continues Strickland. “Each of the people that are honored have worked at the highest level possible and delivered Excellence every day in every way. There is no thank you that is big enough! There is no company anywhere in the world without the people that make it what it is. We recognize that every day at Bandit.”
About Bandit Lites, Inc.
Bandit Lites is a full-service design, management and producer of live events, theatrical productions, and live shows. Bandit Lites has a full staff of highly trained professionals to deal with all types of production needs. Bandit’s presence will ensure seamless transitions no matter where your next show takes you. More information available at