NASHVILLE, TN – Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors recently wrapped a run promoting their latest album, “Strangers No More.” Known for their heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies, the band has established themselves as a beloved staple in the Americana scene. With deep Tennessee roots, the critically-acclaimed band is now no stranger to working with neighbors Bandit Lites, who provided lighting designer Dominic Hickman a package consisting of Elation Smarty Hybrids, Martin VDO Atomic Bolds and ROBE Spikie fixtures.

Hickman drew inspiration from classic theatre shows, balancing the same timeless, dramatic ambiance with modern technology to transform the stage where past meets the present.
“A lot of Drew’s big hits in the show are a CTO color,” said Hickman. “I believe white was only used for two songs (and for just a chorus), but I loved being able to capture the warmth of stages on big songs then with the slower songs bring it down to cool tones. With the set of songs, color was the pictures in Drew’s stories on stage.”
Hickman made use of the Martin VDO Atomic Bolds’s Aura component as well as the bold element, saying, “The macros built into the light are great! Saves on channel count without losing any of the nice effects. They were the eye candy of the rig; they were the glow of the stage and the punch we needed on bigger parts. They especially helped out in venues without blinders as Drew is very big into crowd engagement.”

The Elation Smarty Hybrids supplied the texture to the stage, offering massive backlight looks that would launch into beams for more fast-paced songs.
“They’re always a favorite of mine for any rig due to the so many different looks you can get out of them when you use them just right,” Hickman said. “And the small footprint makes it easy for smaller stages.”
ROBE Spikies versatility offered both band back light, beam movement, flower effects as well as general wash and highlight for special band movements.

“There was a moment in the show where it was just three band members huddled around a mic and I used three Spikies, some front light and that was the look. It brought the show from full stage to an intimate backlit moment.”
In addition to delivering an economical lighting package, Bandit Lites team stepped up to support Hickman while on the road.
“No matter what issues or things that popped up it was always sorted out,” he shared. And when the tour had the idea of adding more lights for the band’s performance at the fabled Ryman Auditorium, Bandit rose to the challenge.

“I also loved being able to introduce Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors to Bandit with the Venue One rehearsal space as well.”
“From the moment the Drew Holcomb team stepped into Venue One, they were low key and a breeze to work with,” said Bandit Lites Client Representative Mike Stanley. “Dom took a seemingly compact lighting package and made it look like a truck worth of gear.”
“Bandit is proud to have worked alongside Drew and Ellie Holcomb for many years,” said Bandit Lites Chair Michael T. Strickland. “All three of us are proud University of Tennessee graduates and that makes the relationship even more special. We are honored to work alongside them.”
For more information about Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors including upcoming tour dates, visit

About Bandit Lites, Inc.
Bandit Lites is a full-service design, management and producer of live events, theatrical productions, and live shows. Bandit Lites has a full staff of highly trained professionals to deal with all types of production needs. Bandit’s presence will ensure seamless transitions no matter where your next show takes you. More information available at